Slugger is the combined creative output of Calgary-based artists Chris Pecora and Cam Hoff — based in Calgary, this duo run a graphic design studio focused on making impactful work with a focus on fun illustrative projects. Slugger was conceived with the goal of doing more of the collaborative projects they both love to do — illustrations, logos, posters, murals, book and album art, merch, and on and on. Hence their motto, “If it's fun, we’re in!”

So it should come at no surprise that they created a digital mural for PARK’s latest campaign — #OURPARK2020, a multi-faceted, year-long campaign that celebrates the local small-business and creativity community.


Learn more about Chris and Cam’s mural, work process, and more in our latest interview:

What attracted you to this project and how did you develop the initial concept for your piece?

The opportunity to have our work displayed on this valuable platform is obviously attractive, and we've always been fans of group art shows and are happy to be part of something akin to that in the public digital space. We developed this concept the same way we approach all our other projects: reviewing the creative brief, working back and forth on sketches which are then translated into vector artwork that we both iterate on.

Each mural in this project is centred around the COVID-19 pandemic, in your opinion how is this project connecting communities across the city and providing a sense of joy?

We hope that this project can brighten the viewer's day by using spaces traditionally reserved for advertising to spread messages of positivity and encouragement through art during a tough time.

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Has COVID-19 impacted your artistic practice?

Outside of impacting demand for our services, COVID has had little impact on our artistic practice. We're still putting out work that's fun in tone, at a time when some levity is perhaps essential.

For you, what is the hardest or most challenging part of creating new work?

For us it’s the idea —we are always thinking about that initial concept, the idea, that answers the question the creative brief is asking. Once you have that, you just trust your skills and experience to take care of the rest.

What do you hope people feel or think when they see your mural?

If people look at any Slugger piece and it puts a smile on their face, then we've hit our mark.

To add one more sense to it, what music would you pick to accompany your artwork?

Reggae jams. Throughout the COVID shutdown the reggae shows on KEXP and CJSW are the only way Cam can tell it's the weekend. And reggae always has those good backyard positive vibes that are present in our artwork for this project.

Last question, if time and funding wasn't a concern, what dream project would you like to pursue?

We'd love to do a fun complete brand project in the fast-casual restaurant space. A full brand treatment for an independent pizza chain would be a lot of fun. 




Click here to learn more about #OURPARK2020

Our Park